Vibug has a lending library of computer tutorials which are available for Vibug members to borow for a month at a time. Members may not copy the material. To borrow any of the material listed below, please contact Ginny Alverson, our Vibug librarian, via email at
- Access: CD
- Captured By The Net by Olga Espinola: Cassette
- Excel: CD
- Expressing Yourself with a Positive Outlook: Outlook Express-- CD
- Eudora: CD
- It's Only Words: Advanced Level Word Processing using MS Word 97/2000: CD
- Powerpoint: cd
- Sound Editing Just Gets Easier, Volume 1, Sound Forge: CD
- Sound Editing from the Keyboard: disk or 6 braille volumes
- Word For Windows Quick and Easy: 2 volumes Braille
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