Date of Meeting: December 12, 2019

When: 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.

Where: 77 mass Ave., building 5-134, Cambridge, MA

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m., following introductions, announcements were made.

Frank and Nina announced our VIBUG party to be held on January 11, 2020. People should e-mail or call Nina. Email: Let her know if you are bringing anyone and if you need a Braille menu.

At the Carroll Center, the tech fare was on November 27, 2019. Jeanette will talk about those results in a future meeting, as she and John had a conflict and could not be at the meeting.

The audio is working except for some issues with the wireless. Everyone from the room is being heard. The laptop is working without issues. Tim has updated it with the latest version of Jaws. The latest version of Zoom will be done fsoon. The mixer is also working well.

Jerry reminded people that if they are members and not receiving messages from the Vibugg Support list, there is a way to get yourself on that list. If you don't know how to do that, you can either look it up on the website or contact Jerry and he'll send you a note telling you how to do that.

Frank also said if you don't know how to contact Jerry you can also email him at and either he or Jerry will fix the issue.

Bob reported our finances are stable. People may renew their memberships by going on and going to the PayPal button and pay either through PayPal or a credit card. If you need any help, reach out to Bob; if you can't pay through PayPal and need to pay by check, reach out to Bob. at the holiday party people can pay in cash. Bob will not be at the holiday party so one of the officers will make themselves available at the holiday party to collect cash for 2020 dues.

Frank reminded all that dues are $20.00. Frank said he will take cash after the holiday party from people who wish to pay cash that day.

Jerry would like to make a formal motion that minutes be sent to the Vibug Support list for review and approval at the next VIBUG mmeeting and that the minutes not be read out loud at the meeting, as it is a cleaner way of running things and Jerry likes the idea of everyone receiving a copy of the minutes. Minutes should not be put on line until formally approved. Bob agreed with Jerry. Nina said we should bring it up when more people are present. Several other people were in support of this idea but felt it should be further discussed when more were present. Frank stated he would like to table this issue until Jeanette is at a meeting, as he wishes her input, though he agrees with the idea. Jerry agreed to a friendly amendment to table it, and seconded the motion. The motion will be discussed in February.

Bob Resnick led a discussion about the possibility of using the Invoicing capabilities of PayPal to send out invoices to membhers regarding paying dues for the upcoming calendar year. He explained that Paypal does a good job of tracking payments and that this method would also help people know whether they were current in their status, pointing out that people often ask him if they have paid. It was agreed that he would research this option and further discussion would happen after the officers have had a meeting about this issue.

Chris Mcnally did a presentation of the Aftershokz Trekz bluetooth Headphones. Frank did a demonstration of some of the aspects of Peapod. Beth from the Museum of Science brought some tactile items the museum of science wishes feedback on. Their goal is to make all of their activities, with current emphasis on computer science activities, as accessible and inclusive as possible.

Following the presentations, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Jeanette Kutash, Vibug Clerk